Parent Involvement Committee

Parent Involvement

Parent involvement is critical to a child’s education. Students tend to be more involved with his or her own education when parents are involved. Since parents are truly their child’s first and most influential teacher, the school needs to build on this foundation.


The school encourages open communication between parents and school personnel to strengthen and foster this relationship. In addition to the regularly scheduled parent teacher conferences, parents are encouraged to communicate with their child and teacher(s).


Parents are encouraged to review student’s homework each night and ensure that the student is well- rested and prepared for school the next day.


The School welcome parents as volunteers for school activities. Parents may contact the parent coordinator for information on volunteering. Parent volunteers must obtain fingerprinting and must be approved by the school’s Executive/Principal before being allowed to participate in the volunteer program.

Parent Teacher Organization

While all parents are expected to be involved in their children’s’ education, some parents may wish to volunteer their time to more structured school parent organizations. Parents may participate in fundraising and other school activities through such organizations. Furthermore, through these organizations, parents may provide formal feedback on school programs. Information about these and other organizations will be provided at the beginning of each school year, or maybe available from the parent coordinator.

  • Parents have the right to be informed of their minor child’s academic performance and social behavior.
  • Parents have the right to be informed of school regulations.
  • Parents have the right to visit the school.
  • Parents have the right to expect that the school will fulfill its responsibility for the educational, social, and general welfare of their child.
  • Parents have the right to expect courtesy from all school employees.
  • Parents have the right to check out their child from school when they feel it is in the best interest of their child.
  • To encourage and help guide their child in following all school rules and regulations.
  • Parents have the responsibility to cooperate and be courteous with school officials in resolving problem situations involving their child.
  • To participate in the school’s Parent Teacher Conferences and school activities.
  • Schedule daily homework time, review it regularly, & discuss what their child has learned.
  • Encourage their child to read.
  • Keep in contact with the school by school visits, phone calls, letters, and attendance at parent-teacher conferences
  • Maintain high expectations of their child by praising his/her achievement at school; providing a warm, caring home; emphasizing school; and encouraging academic success.
  • Make sure their child is in school daily.
  • Encourage their child to be responsible for his/her actions.
  • Keep their child’s school records up-to-date.
  • Participate in parent-teacher activities throughout the year.