School Life

School Life


The library is an exciting, adventurous place. Students are encouraged to draw from its wealth of materials as much as possible.

  1. Students need to use quiet voices and be respectful of others when using the library.
  2. Students must have permission from their classroom teacher when using the library. Often, teachers will schedule time for their students to be in the library during open library times.
  3. Students should return materials to the library as soon as they are finished reading them to allow others to check them out.
  4. Students who do not return books on time will not be allowed to check out additional books.
  5. Students will be expected to pay for any lost or damaged book or bar code.
  6. Students are expected to read and share what they read with their families.

School Activities and Field Trips

At times, your child may have the opportunity to participate in a student activity or field trip. Each student must have parent permission and an emergency release form which must be signed by the parent prior to leaving. Phone permission is not acceptable. Students will remain with their teacher and/or coach at the point of departure, for the duration of the trip, and return with their class/team, unless other prior arrangements have been made with approval from the Principal. Students must demonstrate good behavior and be in good academic standing.

Student Council

Our school has a student council that provides leadership and vision for the student body. The student council members come together on a regular basis to discuss a wide variety of issues. They learn the foundation of our democratic system by participating in an active student government. They vote on issues that have a direct impact on student population.
The student council consist of a: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant at Arms. The members are voted into office by the student body. All students, staff, parents, and the community are welcome to attend the meetings.

Upon accepting the position, the student council member will review and sign an agreement outlining respective roles and responsibilities. Members are to ensure that all responsibilities are met and maintain with their grades, attendance and behavior.

All clubs or organizations must follow the student council handbook to fundraise during the school year. And all fundraising must be approved by the student council.